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You are here: VŠCHT PrahaFCHTÚOCH  → Research groups → Group of quantum chemistry and mechanochemistry
iduzel: 41564
idvazba: 44908
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čas: 20.9.2024 13:33:28
verze: 5476
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iduzel: 41564
idvazba: 44908
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domena: 'uoch.vscht.cz'
jazyk: 'en'
url: '/research-groups/krupicka-en'
iduzel: 41564
path: 8548/6214/6521/6526/7837/41564
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branch: trunk
Obnovit | RAW

Group of quantum chemistry and mechanochemistry

!! HIRING !! We are hiring PhD student for our grant project.


Research topic:
- Application of quantum mechanical methods for prediction of properties of designed molecules
- Calculation of spectroscopic properties
- Design and optimization of molecular structures for mechanochemical applications
- Synthesis of mechanically sensitive compounds
- Development of ab-initio methods, multirefence configuration interaction and open-shell coupled cluster

 exc (šířka 450px)

We are looking for:
- Adepts of organic chemistry
- Fans of computational chemistry (and programmers interested in parallel methods)
 … with good grades and interests in lab work (starting at first year)


We offer:
- Working atmosphere and support for writing bachelor and master theses
- Interesting projects
- In-depth experience of quantum chemical methods and practical skills through research participation
- International collaboration including stays abroad
- Presentation of results on international meetings

trhani (šířka 450px)

Updated: 9.1.2018 10:12, Author: Ondřej Kundrát

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of Organic Chemistry. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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