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Radek Cibulka (výška 215px)

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Radek Cibulka, Ph.D.

(ID: H-1298-2016, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8584-7715)


Personal data:

Born: 12. 3. 1973 in Sokolov, Czech Republic

Marital status: married, 3 children (born in 2000, 2002, and 2007)

Education:  M.Sc.: University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) (1996)

Ph.D.: UCT Prague (2002)

doc.: habilitation in Organic Chemistry, UCT Prague (2009)

prof.: professor in Organic Chemistry, UCT Prague (2017)

Career summary:

1991-1996 Grammar school in Sokolov

1996     M.Sc. with F. Hampl, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague), Czech Republic

2002     Ph.D. with F. Liška, Department of Organic Chemistry, UCT Prague, Czech Republic

2003     post-doc with B. König, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Regensburg, Germany

2004    Assistant professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, UCT Prague, Czech Republic

2009    Associate Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, UCT Prague, Czech Republic

since 2017 Full professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, UCT Prague, Czech Republic


1996     Prize of Josef Hlavka from Hlavka’s Foundation

2002     Unipetrol Prize from Unipetrol and University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague

2004     Young Chemistry Award in Organic Chemistry from Sigma-Aldrich in the Czech Republic

2005     Alfred Bader Prize for Organic Chemistry from the Czech Chemical Society

2010     Karel Preis Prize for the best article in Chemické listy from the Czech Chemical Society


Reviewer of manuscripts submitted for: Nature, Nature comm., Org. Biomol. Chem., Chem. Comm., Chem. Sci., Angew. Chem., Chemistry A European Journal etc.

Evaluation of projects for Grant agency of Charles University, Prague; Ministry of Youth, Sports and Education of the Czech Republic, Experientia foundation

Activities in organic chemistry and catalysis since 2015:

Research interests; Photocatalysis; Organocatalysis in redox reactions; Flavin based redox and photoactive systems; Heterocyclic chemistry

Selected projects:

2012 – 2015     Organocatalytic stereoselective oxidations using heterocyclic hydroperoxides (principle investigator; Czech Science Foundation; No P207/12/0447)

2014 – 2016     Towards photoorganocatalytic metathesis: [2+2] cycloaddition of alkenes and cyclobutane ring cleavage mediated by flavins and visible light (principle investigator; Czech Science Foundation; No 14-09190S)

2016 – 2018     Photocatalytic and organocatalytic Mitsunobu reaction using flavin derivatives and visible light (principle investigator; Czech Science Foundation; No 16-09436S)

2018 – 2020     Oxidative photocatalytic systems with flavinium salts for direct C-H functionalizations  (principle investigator; Czech Science Foundation; No 18-15175S)

2019 – 2021     Organic photoredox catalysis in reductive transformations: new area for flavin derivatives (principle investigator; Czech Science Foundation; No 19-09064S)


Lectures in Retrosynthesis (2011-now); Organic chemistry (2011-now); courses in Laboratory of organic chemistry (2011 – 2015); co-author of internet portal for education of organic chemistry (2011 – 2013); Supervisor of 10 Ph.D. thesis (6 finished, 4 ongoing), 21 diploma thesis and 21 bachelor thesis.

Publications - summary:

62 original papers, 5 patents, 4 review articles, 2 book chapters, 140 oral or poster presentations,
24 plenary or invited lectures; h = 20.

5 Selected papers from the last 5 years:

Mojr V., Svobodová E., Straková K., Neveselý T., Chudoba J., Dvořáková H., Cibulka R.: Tailoring Flavins for Visible Light Photocatalysis: Organocatalytic [2+2] Cycloadditions Mediated by a Flavin Derivative and Visible Light, Chem. Comm. 2015, 51, 12036 – 12039.

Neveselý T., Svobodová E., Chudoba J., Sikorski M., Cibulka R.: Efficient metal-free aerobic photooxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides mediated by a vitamin B2 derivative and visible light, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2016, 358, 1654–1663. (VIP)

Hartman T., Cibulka R.: Photocatalytic Systems with Flavinium Salts: From Photolyase Models to Synthetic Tool for Cyclobutane Ring Opening, Org. Lett. 2016, 18, 3710-3713.

März M., Kohout M., Neveselý T., Chudoba J., Prukala D., Niziński S., Sikorski M., Burdziński G., Cibulka R.: Azodicarboxylate-free esterification with triphenylphosphine mediated by flavin and visible light: method development and stereoselectivity control Org. Biomol. Chem. 2018, 16, 6809-6817. (Hot articles collection)

Zelenka J., Svobodová E., Tarábek J., Hoskovcová I., Boguschová V., Bailly S., Sikorski M., Roithová J., Cibulka R.: Combining flavin photocatalysis and organocatalysis: metal-free aerobic oxidation of unactivated benzylic substrates Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 114-119.

Zelenka J., Cibulka R., Roithová J.: Flavinium catalyzed photooxidation: Detection and characterization of elusive peroxyflavinium intermediates Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 15412 –15420. (VIP)


Address: Radek Cibulka, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Chemistry and Technology,  Prague, Technická 5, 16628 Prague 6, Czech Republic

Phone number: +420 220 444 182

E-mail: cibulkar@vscht.cz


 In Prague, February 14 2020


Updated: 8.7.2020 18:25, Author: Martina Kovandová

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of Organic Chemistry. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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