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 ◳ MarketaIng. Markéta Rybáčková, Ph.D.

 Assistant Professor

 Department of Organic Chemistry
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6
tel: +420 220 444 242
e-mail: Marketa.Rybackova
building A, room 259



  • 1998-2003 master degree at UCT Prague
  • 2003-2007 doctoral degree at UCT Prague/IOCB Prague


  • 01-07/2006 Erasmus internship at University of Copenhagen (prof. Nielsen group)
  • since 2007 member of Organofluorine chemistry group
  • since 2008 assistant professor at Department of Organic Chemistry, UCT Prague


Courses overview

  • Organic Chemistry I, II, A &B (seminars)
  • Organic Chemistry: Laboratory I & II
  • Specialized Laboratory – Organic Chemistry
  • Laboratory of Specialization Synthesis of Drugs



Updated: 2.3.2021 10:16, Author: Ondřej Kundrát

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of Organic Chemistry. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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