Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Tobrman
Department of Organic Chemistry
UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6
tel: +420 220 444 245
fax: +420 220 444 288
Date and place of birth
22.11. 1977, Plzeň
Work Experience
2015–today: Associate professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry, UCT Prague.
2005–2014: Assistant professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry, UCT Prague.
22.1. 2008–30.6. 2009: Post-doc position in the group of prof. E.-i. Negishi, Purdue University, In, USA, Subject: Alkyne haloboration: An Application in stereoselective synthesis of trisubstituted alkenes.
15.9. 2004 – 28.2. 2005: Research in the group of prof. Tobias Rein, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Subject: Asymetric Wittig reaction
Education and training
2001-2005: PhD study at the UCT Prague (Czech Republic), Subject: Modification of purine ring by utilization of reactivity of transition metals
4.-20. 7. 2001: 101st International summer course, BASF, Ludwigshafen (Germany)
1996-2001: UCT Prague (Czech Republic)
Diploma Thesis: Chelated( h2-allylamino)carbene complexes of iron, chromium and tungsten: Preparation and properties
1992-1996: High school, MSŠCH, Prague (Czech Republic)