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  1. Ménová: ASGPR a DC-SIGN: C-lektinové receptory se slibným potenciálem v medicinální chemii. Chem. Listy 2021, 115, 126–133.


Bachelor theses

Jochová Kateřina: Modified nanoparticles for DC-SIGN targeting (2021)

Ledvinka Jiří: Synthesis of mannose-based DC-SIGN antagonists (2020)

Musil Vojtěch: Synthesis of quinoxalinone-based inhibitors of DC-SIGN receptor (2020)

Wohlrábová Lucie: Chelating lipids for optical quantum nanosensors (2019)

Makarov Dmytro: Syntéza substituovaných chinolonů jako potenciálních inhibitorů DC-SIGN receptoru (2018)


Master theses

Makarov Dmytro: Synthesis of quinolone-based inhibitors of DC-SIGN receptor (2020)

Mornat Pauline: Synthesis of mannose-based DC-SIGN inhibitors bearing fluorinated arene moiety (2019)

Updated: 23.9.2021 11:36, Author: Ondřej Kundrát

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Information provided by the Department of Organic Chemistry. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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