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Medicinal Chemistry and Glycochemistry

We work on the borders of organic, bioorganic and medicinal chemistry. Our main interest is the synthesis of ligands for lectin receptors and their use in diagnostics and drug targeting. In addition, we synthesize ligands for the visualization of G-quadruplexes and we have just started a new project on the synthesis of agonists of muscarine receptors.

 In our lab, we do mostly organic synthesis, purification of the compounds and their characterization. The preparation of nanoparticles as well as all biological testing are done by our collaborators.

 In September 2021, we became an official Max Planck Partner Group. This prestigious partnership enables us to run several projects in the field of glycochemistry.

More details about the projects can be found in the Research section.

 ◳ Group picture 2021 reaction scheme

Updated: 26.1.2022 13:49, Author: Jan Budka

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of Organic Chemistry. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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